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Leadership in Uncertainty: Forging a Path Through Ambiguity

Rachel Treece

In such uncertain times, the stresses of growth and transformation are intensified. You'll also be forgiven for worrying about sustaining your core values as you try and adapt to a rapidly changing world and increasingly sophisticated target audience.

Navigating such insecurity is down to you as the leader of your organisation. You will need to keep your company's collective anxiety contained, and it is your responsibility to reassess risk, even though there is a severe lack of clarity.

So how can you lead through ambiguity?

Although you're unsure of so much right now, three things will undoubtedly keep your ship afloat.

Embrace Change

Although it's quite trying, it is critical to embrace change; not only in connection with the current situation we find ourselves in, but how the pandemic is shaping the world, and the issues, or improvements its effects may bring.

There will be positives ahead. As bizarre as it sounds, one thing that can already be attributed to COVID-19 is that we have been forced to adopt a work-from-home model resulting in significant savings for companies worldwide.

Finding your way through ambiguity starts with accepting it – this will help you and your team prepare for the future more efficiently.

As you restructure your organisation, try not to assume anything. Instead, prepare for every possible outcome by asking yourself if you have the capacity to deal with whatever the future throws at you.

Will your team support one another? Is there sufficient expertise between you to deal with any unforeseen requirements? If not, what measures will you take?

Do Not Assume Anything

In times of uncertainty, it's easy to assume the worst. As a leader, you're expected to offer solutions, never to hesitate, and prepare your team to weather any storm.

However, by taking time to think and to consult others, you will better equip yourself to make a more calculated decision; this is how to remain calm whilst going through adversity.

Just because you're a leader, doesn't necessarily mean you have a solution to everything. As companies opt for outsourcing specific tasks, it makes sense to collaborate with experienced individuals when attempting to transform your business.

Enhanced clarity around the purpose and strategic direction of your organisation will help you and your team cope better with the difficulties of ambiguity.

Delivery Is Paramount

Delivery is part of purpose. As it stands, you may be uncertain of what tomorrow will bring. However, an effective way to unite your people is through reminding them that focusing on the task at hand and delivering to the best of your combined ability is essential.

We are all feeling very disturbed by COVID-19, but by letting your team know that you're all going through the same thing and that you're in it together, you will, in turn, build confidence, reinforce relationships and remain productive.

Rather than panicking, help your team understand that worrying about what they can't control is damaging. As a leader, you can add tremendous value to your organisation by letting your team know that focusing on what they can in fact control will result in them being more engaged and centred around making a meaningful contribution.

To achieve powerful transformation, we believe that directly embedding in-house coaching skills gives leaders the ability to inspire effective and balanced change. Change that occurs when drawing out the very best from your employees.

To collaborate with us, take a look at the programmes we have on offer.


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